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Our services

- Job Classification

OneHR is a concrete opportunity to promote common services across the UN system, leveraging the common system standards for HR management, including the adherence to the ICSC job evaluation and classification standard, as well as common services operational guidelines. Using the ICSC methodology for job classification, OneHR is offering access to a database of generic job descriptions, ensuring internal consistency of grading as well as reducing the volume of classifications.

Our Service offer in Job Classification:

  • One demand job classification ǀ Technical review and evaluation of job description to determine correct position level, with complete ICSC scoring sheet, and issuance of classification recommendation

  • Position Matchingǀ Evaluation of application of standard job profiles and established organizational structures to validate position information and classified level

  • Development of new job profilesǀWriting tailored job descriptions to ICSC standards based on clients need

- Standard work process

1. Technical review

Technical review and evaluation of job description

2. Evaluation according to ICSC standards

Determination of correct position level in adherence with ICSC standards

3. Issuance of classification

Issuance of classification recommendation together with ICSC scoring sheet

4. Share and use

The job description will be uploaded in an internal database, to serve as a backbone for future job and organizational design.

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