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Martha Helena Lopez


Thank you for visiting the OneHR website. My name is Martha Helena Lopez, I am the ASG of the Office of Human Resources Management with the UN Secretariat.

I am very excited to share with you the launch of OneHR, because we are on an historic journey to realize something which has been a dream for many of us - creating a consolidated Global Center for HR Services in the UN.

This is a priority indicated by the Secretary General in his management reform, where he mentions the need to simplify, standardize and work better together as one UN team. For HR, he specifically mentions two service lines of importance; job classification and reference checks. OneHR will therefore start by offering these two services. The center is later planning to expand to other service lines, to support the SG’s vision and to ensure that we are operating as One UN.

As we go live, we expect multiple benefits to derive from this initiative. Firstly, we are creating consistency in the processes and systems being used across the UN system. Secondly, we are establishing important and consolidated external partnerships such as with Interpol. And thirdly, we are creating a state-of-the are database which allows us to search for SEA, positions, candidates who have been dismissed and references - all not to duplicate efforts.

This is an office of the future. The administrative anchor is in Bonn, Germany but the center as such has no headquarters. The same way people can request services from all over the world, people are also working globally to support the center.

Please get in touch with us for more information and to see how we can best can work together and as a HR function better support the implementation of the 2030 agenda.

We look forward hearing from you and welcome you to join us in making history as a UN family.

Thank you.